Cat by Christmas tree and presents

Keeping the Holiday Cheer Intact: Tips to Keep Your Cat Away from the Christmas Tree

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The holiday season is a time of joy, celebration, and festive decorations. However, if you share your home with a feline friend, you might find yourself facing the annual challenge of keeping your cat away from the Christmas tree. Fear not, fellow pet lover, for we have compiled a list of tips to help you and your furry companion enjoy a harmonious holiday season.

Choose a Sturdy Tree:

Opt for a stable and sturdy Christmas tree. A robust tree is less likely to topple over if your curious cat decides to climb its branches. Secure the tree in a stable tree stand to minimize the risk of accidents.

Cat-Friendly Ornaments:

Consider using cat-friendly ornaments on the lower branches. Durable and non-breakable ornaments can withstand playful swats and pounces, ensuring that your cat’s curiosity won’t result in a shattered decoration disaster.

Deterrents and Scents:

Cats are sensitive to certain scents. Strategically place scented items around the base of the tree that cats find displeasing, such as orange peels or lemon peels. Cats do not like the smell of citrus. Put aluminum foil around the bottom also. Cats do not like to step on tin foil. Alternatively, there are pet-safe deterrent sprays available that can discourage your feline friend from getting too close.

Secure the Tree:

If your cat is particularly adventurous, consider anchoring the Christmas tree to the wall or ceiling. This extra security measure can prevent your tree from becoming an unintentional cat playground.

Create a Distraction:

Provide your cat with alternative forms of entertainment. Set up a cozy corner with their bed, toys, and perhaps a scratching post. This can redirect their attention away from the allure of the Christmas tree.

Use Pet-Friendly Repellents:

Explore pet-friendly repellents that can be applied to the tree or surrounding areas. These are designed to discourage cats without causing harm. Always ensure that any repellents used are safe for pets.

Supervise and Train:

Keep a watchful eye on your cat when they are near the Christmas tree, especially during the initial days of setup. If you catch them in the act, gently redirect their attention and reward them when they choose an appropriate activity.


Maintaining a festive and cat-friendly home during the holidays is possible with a bit of preparation and creativity. By incorporating these tips, you can strike a balance between celebrating the season and ensuring your feline friend stays safe and content. Here’s to a joyful and cat-approved holiday season!

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